Yoga, Ayurveda, and Kamasutra

Yoga is a wonderful practice. It allows you to find psychological, emotional, and physical balance in your life. The Yoga and Ayurveda book instructs us to cherish each moment and breathe as it comes to strengthen our spiritual, physical, and sensual relationships. 

The Kamasutra book also mentions the benefits of yoga and Ayurveda.

How Can Yoga Help You Improve Your Intimate Relationship?

  • Yoga promotes flexibility.

  • Yoga boosts self-esteem and body image.

  • Yoga teaches awareness.

  • Yoga improves libido.

A variety of yoga poses improve pelvic circulation, allowing for a fun, passionate time under the covers with your partner.

How to Practice Yoga to Boost Libido

Exposure to sensation with a partner can evoke a range of emotions. From an open heart to a tender touch, yoga boosts confidence.

The Kamasutra book claims that these yoga postures are a gateway to a deeper understanding of loving intimacy and total relaxation. Here are some poses to boost libido:

Cat-Cow Pose

The cat-cow pose strengthens the Kegel muscles, which contract during orgasm. Kegels make orgasms better and easier to control.

Bound Angle Pose

With the bound angle, you can stretch your inner thighs and open your hips. This position exudes openness and intimacy. It improves pelvic blood flow and boosts energy.     

Pigeon Pose

The pigeon pose relaxes the hips and mind. Focusing on your breath brings you into the present moment. It makes your connection stronger.

Eagle Pose

The Kamasutra book emphasizes the eagle. When you release the legs, blood floods the cervix, preparing the area for sweet love.

Bridge Pose 

The bridge Pose stretches the hip flexors and improves orgasms. Holding the bridge squeezes the pelvic muscle, similar to a Kegel.

Enhance your way of life with CSS, Banaras

The Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan in Banaras provides access to the Kamasutra, which was written by one of India's most renowned authors. This book is also recommended by the Kamashastra department to students and Ayurveda readers. 

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